Over the course of 8 months, UNCG Painting capstone students have delved into process, mood, and symbolism. Paintings in this show were created through inquiry of environments and memories, addressing the evolution of our personal lives through color.
Featured Artists:
- Olivia Axland
- Amiah Jones
- Wesley Durham
- Jasper Rutledge
- Madison Miller
- Sarah Smith
- Wisp Schock
You can see the new artwork in the “Poe Reading Room” located on the first floor of Jackson Library.
GPS Second Stop
Greensboro Project Space (GPS) is UNCG School of Art’s off-campus multi-purpose
art space that acts as a bridge between students and faculty and the Greensboro
community. GPS Second Stop is an opportunity for student exhibitions to travel from
Greensboro Project Space’s downtown location to the UNCG campus.