Have you ever wondered how non-UNCG patrons can borrow materials from UNCG libraries? The University Libraries offer a myriad of benefits for various other community members, who can borrow materials from the library for little to no cost.
For example, the program offers free borrowing to teachers and administrators from various counties across North Carolina, including Guilford and Alamance Counties. Additionally, retired UNCG staff and faculty members can take advantage of the program if they were in state service during their UNCG employment despite their retired status. The Community Borrower program’s free borrowing is also available to spouses/domestic partners and child dependents of UNCG faculty and staff.
The Community Borrower Program offered by University Libraries can be used by registering for an account at only $35 dollars annually. UNCG alumni are also able to register for the program. As long as you are 18 years or older, you can fill out a form for the program on the UNCG Libraries’ website.
The University Libraries also allow students from other eligible universities to borrow their materials. All schools in the UNC System have reciprocity, as well as a short list of other universities, which can be viewed at their websites. Some private and public schools in Guilford County also have certain borrowing privileges.
For anyone interested in the kinds of community borrowing offered, all additional information can be read at go.uncg.edu/communityborrowing, calling 336.334.5304 or emailing checkout@uncg.edu.