Written by Megan Mead.
Please join us for the 24th Annual Women Veterans Luncheon on November 12, 2021, from 11:30 AM – 1 PM via Zoom live from England. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Jane Brooks, Ph.D, RN.
Dr. Brooks is a senior lecturer in the School of Health and Sciences at the University of Manchester. She was the 2015 recipient of the American Association for the History of Nursing Mary M. Roberts Award for the edited book, “One Hundred Years of Wartime Nursing Practices.”
About the Women’s Veterans Historical Project:
In 1998, UNC Greensboro created the Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project (WVHP) that would document the contributions of not only women but also minorities in the military and related service organizations since WWI. The WVHP includes a wide arrangement of source materials such as letters, diaries, photographs, scrapbooks, oral histories, published works, military uniforms and much more. The WVHP continues to expand its research collection to explore all the military changes in American society that have been because of gender integration of the armed forces.
The WVHP’s strengths are in its oral histories and materials from veterans of WWII; however, it also includes stories and materials from women who served in WWI, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, Desert Storm, the Gulf Wars and the War on Terror. The WVHP, as of now, currently has approximately 700 collections that include 450 oral history interviews! The collections document women veterans, as well as the contributions of workers in related services like the American Red Cross and many others. The current focus of UNCG’s WVHP is to collect the oral histories of UNCG student veterans, including women and minorities in Greensboro.
Register for the Luncheon
For questions, please email wvhp@uncg.edu or call 336-334-4045. If you would like to attend the annual women veterans luncheon on November 12 please visit go.uncg.edu/wvhp2021 to register. The event is free and open to the public.