UNCG Libraries and the UNCG UTLC (University Teaching and Learning Commons) present the Spring 2018 webinar series on “Online Learning and Innovation.”
This UNCG webinar series is for UNCG faculty, instructors, librarians, graduate students, TAs and staff interested in learning more about instructional technology and online learning at UNCG. Some of the topics included are online learning pedagogies, UNCG instructional technology tools (Canvas, Google, Box, etc) and more.
Please sign up for any of the sessions that you are interested in attending! We will record these 30 minute webinars in WebEx Meeting Center and make them available on the UTLC and UNCG Libraries websites.
*Monday, January 22nd at 1pm:
“Academic Integrity: Canvas and Ways to Avoid Violations” by Amanda Schipman and Matt Libera, UNCG Information Technology (IT).
*Two part webinar that will cover both parts in 1 hour.
Thursday, February 15th at 1pm:
“Using Rubrics” by Rob Owens, an Instructional Technology Consultant (ITC) for UNCG Bryan School.
Wednesday, March 14th at 1:30pm:
“Peer Review in Canvas” by Anita Warfford, Instructional Technology Consultant (ITC) for UNCG College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).
Monday, April 9th at 11am:
“Streaming Media: From the Library and Beyond” by Samantha Harlow, Online Learning Librarian for UNCG University Libraries.
This webinar series is sponsored by University Libraries and the University Teaching and Learning Commons.