Beginning January 11, 2019, a “Library Resources” tab will appear in all UNC Greensboro banner-fed Canvas courses within the navigation menu. This tab will allow you to access general UNCG University Libraries’ resources, as well as department-specific or course-specific resources. For more information on this update, please visit the Library and Canvas guide located at…
Category: Canvas
Online Learning and Innovation Webinar Series Begins September 19
University Libraries will host a webinar series on “Online Learning and Innovation” during the 2018 fall semester. This webinar series is for UNC Greensboro faculty, instructors, librarians, graduate students, TAs and staff interested in learning more about instructional technology and online learning at UNCG. Topics include online learning pedagogies, UNCG instructional technology tools (Canvas, Google,…
Spring 2018 Learning and Innovation Webinar Series Announced
UNCG Libraries and the UNCG UTLC (University Teaching and Learning Commons) present the Spring 2018 webinar series on “Online Learning and Innovation.” This UNCG webinar series is for UNCG faculty, instructors, librarians, graduate students, TAs and staff interested in learning more about instructional technology and online learning at UNCG. Some of the topics included are online…